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Peace Partners


Dear Partners for Peace,

Pasayadaan Holistic Spirituality Center was inaugurated in 2000 at Nalle, Vasai about 50 miles north of Mumbai. Pasayadaan means blessings. Through retreats, workshops, street plays, bulletins we have promoted an alternative spirituality of “blessing” helping people of all faiths to face the challenges of a rapidly changing context. Lay leaders, married couples, youth, seniors, children, widows, disabled, teachers, sisters and priests are being made aware that they have been chosen as God’s blessings to the poor and marginalized.

During my stay in USA, Peace Meditations have been held in New York, Toronto, Berkeley, Marin County, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Participants of the Peace Meditation groups have expressed a desire to network with Pasayadaan and make some contribution.

The Center has offices, halls and rooms to house about 15 couples. We need to prepare the garden, lawns and a suitable environment for labyrinth and walking meditation.  Facilities for research like computers, video etc. will also have to be provided. At present there is urgent need to pay for the monthly salary of an administrator who will see to the day to day management and fundraising.

Recently another major venture seems to be taking shape. Plans are afoot to get a group of Interplayers from USA to conduct workshops in India in 2007-2008 as part of a project on “Intercultural Exchange for Community Development”. A few others have expressed a desire to visit India as pilgrims in order to be exposed to the socio-cultural realities there.  Several people feel an inner calling to network for global peace. The Spirit is blowing and flowing powerfully calling us to respond generously.

Blessings of Peace,
Prashant Olalekar







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