Father Prashant
Pasayadaan Holistic Spirituality Center, Bombay, India.............prash7654@gmail.com
Our Spiritual Leader Contact for spiritual matters and more information on events..
Avito Moniz
American Martry's Church, Manhattan Beach, CA ...............................avito@ore-cal.com
Facilitator for the Manhattan Beach Branch Contact for more information on the peace events in Manhattan Beach, CA.
Amelia Nugent
American Martry's Church, Manhattan Beach, CA ........................anugent@socal.rr.com
Peace Exercise Instructor Contact for peace exercise and e-mail information.
Katherine Veze
American Martry's Church, Manhattan Beach, CA.....................katveze@verizon.net
Web Designer / Web Master Contact for information on the website.
Fran Conneely
St. Mark's Catholic Church, Venice, CA .............................francon17@verizon.net
Facilitator of events in the Venice, CA Branch and Peace Exercise instructor Contact for more information on the peace exercises and events at St. Mark's parish.